Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Top 25 Thimgs to Take for Your Booth at a Trade Show

Pack your bags with these items, and you will have 90% of what you need. I make no guarantees for the other 10%!
  1. Camera
  2. Chargers for those electronic gizmos
  3. Extra Batteries
  4. Square device for accepting credit cards on iPhone, iPad, Android
  5. Cash drawer to make change
  6. Double sided tape 
  7. Tape
  8. Extra roll of packing tape
  9. Pencils
  10. Pencil sharpener
  11. Pens
  12. Stapler and staples
  13. Scissors
  14. Extension cord
  15. Paperclips
  16. Nail clipper
  17. Safety Pins
  18. Calculator
  19. Swiffer and/or lint roller
  20. Business Cards
  21. Sharpies
  22. Backup CD or flash drive of documents
  23. Gum
  24. Chocolate
  25. Water bottle to refill as needed in airport, at show
And, after all that is packed, fly Southwest Airlines! Throw your clothing in a carry on, and then pack your stuff in not one, but two large boxes. Each box can measure up to 62" of height + width + depth, and weigh up to 50#. True story. Some people are so organized that they can ship it out early. That's not me.

Many thanks to all of the porters who helped me along the way.

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Sewing since I was 8...a friend of my grandmother's sent us a large box filled with fabric scraps. That was all it took!